Search and map property records for Ada and Canyon counties, Idaho.

A user account is not needed for the features on this web page.

If you are looking for property for sale, please go to the Home page.  This page maps the county assessor data for any property in Ada or Canyon counties, Idaho.  Included are address, subdivision, assessed value, and in Ada County, zoning and the assessor photo.

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  For performance reasons, Google Maps is limited to 500 properties.
Free. User account is not needed.

Ada and Canyon county property records found.
If you don't know the address of the property you are looking for, zoom in close using Google Earth, then use the Land Records Grid page.

Ada County data published January 12, 2015.  Canyon County data published June 25, 2014.  Earth Point gets new data every twelve months.

Parcel Number
Multiple parcel numbers can be entered, separated by spaces or commas.  For Canyon County, either the account number or the parcel number can be used.

Street Address
Enter the house number and/or street name.  Do not enter the city or state.  Multiple addresses can be entered if they are separated by commas.

Enter whole or part of name.  Multiple subdivisions can be entered if they are separated by commas.

Enter whole or part of name.  Multiple names can be entered if they are separated by commas.