Township and Range - Search By Latitude and Longitude.

A user account is not needed for the features on this web page.

Enter latitude and longitude.  Find the corresponding township and section.  The BLM database is searched first.  If nothing is found then the National Atlas database is searched.  Note that the National Atlas database has only townships, no sections.

Latitude Examples:  43°38'19.39"N,  43 38 19.39,  43.6387194
Longitude Examples:  116°14'28.86"W,  116 14 28.86,  -116.2413513

Free. User account is not needed.
If you want to see the surrounding townships, then once you have clicked the "Fly To" button, come back and click the BLM or National Atlas "View on Google Earth" button. Free. User account is not needed.


In mountainous areas it might be helpful to turn off the terrain layer in Google Earth.  Otherwise, the survey grid can look distorted as it shapes itself to the earth's surface.

Information: BLM Township and Range

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) cadastral survey program is responsible for the official boundary surveys for all federal agencies in the U.S. that together manage over 700 million acres. The Public Land Survey System also called the Rectangular Survey System is the foundation for many survey-based land information systems.

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The geographic coordinates and their associated products are NOT legal land survey records. These coordinates can NOT be used as a substitute for a legal land survey. They can be used for record keeping, mapping, graphics and planning purposes only. No warranty is made by the Bureau of Land Management for use of the data for purposes not intended by BLM.